Hello, My name is Nike (PR: NEE-kay) Imoru. I am the founder of The Actor's Way. I am a casting director and member of the Casting Society of America, a classical actress, director, teacher and writer, with a PhD from the University of Warwick, UK.  My purpose is to awaken the creativity and confidence of aspiring actors, in order to propel their practice and careers towards success.

Years  casting film and tv

Years teaching stage & screen

Courses developed in  film &theatre

Students globally

Casting Director

An inclusive, diversity-focussed, industry leader changing the face of casting in the Pacific Northwest. "One of Washington State's most influential women in film, tv ..." Media Inc. 15 years in the Casting Society of America (CSA)


A deeply intuitive Master Teacher supporting actors to unmask and un-armour. Holding space for  vulnerabilities, meeting the actor wherever they are in their process, providing a safe space for development and growth. PhD, University of Warwick, UK.


Classically-trained, multiple award-winning actress, recognised as one of the top ten regional theatre actors in the nation, by the Lunt-Fontanne Fellowship/Ten Chimneys Foundation, 2022.


Co-founder and past-president of Rebel Kat Productions, a female-led, film-finance company. Producer of All Those Small Things, dir, Andrew Hyatt


Monthly 3 hour zoom class, live with Nike Imoru, CSA discussing industry topics of the day. The topic will be posted 1 week in advance to get actors an opportunity to 1) prepare the assignment or bring questions.


Monthly Words of Wisdom... or just some simple words of advice from a casting director. Video, podcast, blog post on acting and/or auditioning. Important tips, tools, techniques for actors.


We have a chat space for actors to connect critically, creatively, respectfully. In all creative endeavours, community goes hand-in-hand with mastery.


Classes, workshops intensives, CD updates, and other industry specific opportunities will be available to subscribers first. Mastery classes will be recorded and available to download.
Write your awesome label here.


Nike Imoru PhD, CSA

About Nike
Nike Imoru is the founder of The Actor's Way, a somatic approach to actor-training based on three simple principles: breathing, being and connecting.  Through her teaching she supports the actor to find authentic connections with themselves and their environment.  Nike is herself a multi-award winning stage actress, a casting director and member of the Casting Society of America, and theatre historian with a PhD in 20th century African-American history and cultural production. She is a former professor of theatre history, critical theories, and performance.

She taught undergraduate and graduates courses at two of the most  prestigious drama departments in the UK, at the universities of Leeds and then Hull. She also taught at colleges in the US, before leaving academe to work full time in theatre as an artistic director at Spokane Interplayers Ensemble. She finally moved  into casting for film and television seventeen years ago.  Nike is a life longe learner. For the past five years she has studied with Master therapists and licensed mental health practitioners who are drawn to the extraordinary bio-physical and somatic healing modalities of Wilhelm Reich. She is a certified life coach.

She counts performing her one woman Medea in Delphi, Greece as one of the greatest acting achievements of her career, along with self-appointing (and self-anointing) herself as The Patron Saint of Actors, sometime in the mid-90s whilst teaching a remarkable group of student actors at the University of Hull, East Yorkshire.
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